Your career and reputation can be seriously damaged by lies and false accusations concerning your work or your employment. These false statements can prevent you from obtaining other employment, and cause harm to your reputation and ability to earn a living. A defamation lawsuit can stop these false statements and compensate you for the harm you have suffered.
Bell & Bell LLP attorneys have successfully handled hundreds of cases involving claims relating to damage to an employee's reputation, many of which included claims of defamation.
Determining whether to pursue a legal claim is an important decision. You should be aware of your rights and prepared to take action if your rights are violated. Bell & Bell LLP offers free initial consultations, and we will take the time necessary to understand your situation and concerns.
If you believe that you have been defamed, you should seek immediate legal assistance. For a consultation with a lawyer at Bell & Bell LLP regarding defamation, call 215.569.2500 or contact us online.